Life Insurance

Life Insurance, Because You Can’t Predict The Future

Unfortunately life is unpredictable. Life insurance can spare loved ones from numerous hardships after you’re gone. In fact, with enough life insurance you can leave a lasting legacy. Regardless of the type of insurance you choose, don’t let life slip away, protecting your family can give you tremendous peace of mind.

Why You May Need Life Insurance

  • Income Replacement-is crucial if you have dependents who rely on your income.
  • Financial Obligations-needed to pay off debts like a mortgage, car loan, or credit card.
  • Better Rates & Availability Younger-waiting will cost you more or you may not qualify at all.

More Affordable Than You May Think

Fortunately, especially term life insurance, doesn’t have to be expensive. Based on current rates, a 30 year old man in excellent health could purchase 20 years of term life insurance worth $500,000 for less than $27 per month. A woman at the same age and health would cost less than $21.